
Steve Starinsky

McNulty Leadership Nonprofit Board Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Steve Starinsky was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and pursued his undergraduate education in finance at the University of Pittsburgh. After completing his studies, he was commissioned as a US Army Officer, serving in the 82nd Airborne Division. Later, he joined the Army’s premier Special Operations Force, the 75th Ranger Regiment, where he held positions managing multimillion-dollar budgets and leading counter-terrorism finance efforts.

During his military career, Steve deployed to combat zones in Afghanistan, Jordan, and Kosovo, serving in various leadership capacities. His experiences instilled in him a deep sense of duty and a commitment to service.

Following his military service, Steve transitioned to the finance sector, working as an Investment Analyst at the Boston Children’s Hospital Investment Office. There, he helped manage the organization’s endowment, pension, and shorter-term investment assets.

Currently, Steve is pursuing an MBA at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, focusing on finance.

He is proud to support veterans, increasing access to education, and community revitalization efforts; He is a Co-President of the Rebuilding Together Philadelphia Club at Wharton. Steve’s journey is characterized by a dedication to excellence, leadership, and a steadfast commitment to making a positive impact, both in the military and civilian spheres.

Steve Starinsky joined PA Humanities’ board as part of the McNulty Leadership Nonprofit Board Fellows Program at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. This initiative develops future civic leaders by pairing talented MBA and law students with local nonprofit boards to gain hands-on governance experience as non-voting volunteers.

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